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Once you pop, You can't Stop

Saturday, August 12, 2006

3 feet

An update - after 1 month or so

After tearing down the APP, Blyxa Japonica, E.tenellus tank, I am yet again for another setup

Specification : 3*1.5*1.5 feet
Co2 injected, Reactor in tank
Substrate : Ada Aquasoil Amazonia, Ada Powersand
Lights : 150 watts MH (8 hrs daily)
Filtration (Eheim 2026), Chiller (24-26)

Fauna : Harlequin Rasboras, Malayan shrimps, cherry shrimps, yamato shrimps,
Flora : Java moss, Java fern (windelov, narrow, broad), Crypts (various), Vallisneria, Balansae

6L Nano Tank

Specification :
11*8*7.5 inches (W*H*D)
11 watts lights (8 hrs)
Eden501 Filter
Co2 injected via inverted Cone

Fauna : 1 malayan shrimps (for now)
Flora : Java moss, Hairgrass
Hardscape : Rocks
Substatre : Inert White sand

Fertilization : Occasional dosing of No3 and Po4.

New 20L Tank

Details: 20L, Non C02, Normal garden soil, 27 watts PL lights.

Hardscape: Rocks

Flora: Hairgrass, E.tenellus, Glosso, and a few stems plants.
Fauna : 1 quarantine rasboras, 8 rummy nose.